Upcoming CPD Opportunities: Spring 2025


Upcoming CPD Opportunities: Spring 2025

Spring is in the air! (at least for those of us in the northern hemisphere). It's the time of year when I get confused about whether the clocks have already gone forward - every morning seems considerably lighter than the day before! With spring comes new energy: a chance to dust off those winter blues and try something new, and a perfect opportunity for a little professional spring cleaning. So here is the latest in the seasonal collection of links to ELT events.

I started these summaries to help me keep track all the CPD opportunities available. As it seemed useful, I decided to share and the response has been great – thank you for all your support!  Although I update the posts regularly, I can still miss things – so if there is anything you think might be useful, please let me know in the comments.

TITLE: Inquiring Young Minds: Teaching Media Literacy in the Young Learner English Classroom

PRESENTERS: Rachael Gibbon

DATES & TIMES: Thurs. 27th March, 2025 – 09:00 & 15:00 (GMT)


ORGANISED BY: National Geographic Learning

TYPE OF EVENT: Free Webinar


Is it possible to teach English learners to think critically from a young age? Perhaps a better question would be: is it important to equip students with the skills to help them read the world? If our goal is to develop deep thinkers, critical consumers of information and confident communicators, this is the perfect time to start! Young learners already interact with information presented through a variety of media inputs in their everyday lives. By developing the critical thinking skills that help them look below the surface of what they see and to draw on different sources to build their understanding of a topic, we can nurture inquiring young minds in the safe environment of the classroom. In this webinar, Rachael Gibbon will share five things you can do right away to teach media literacy to young learners and use it as an opportunity to develop their critical thinking skills. Examples from Trailblazer, National Geographic Learning's new program for young learners of English, will be used to show how you can bring these ideas to your classroom.


TITLE: TEASIG - How can we help students cope with computer-adaptive testing?

PRESENTERS: Myleni Ishida

DATES & TIMES: Thursday, 27th March, 2025 – 17:00 (UK time)


ORGANISED BY: IATEFL Teaching, Evaluation and Assessment SIG

TYPE OF EVENT: Free Webinar


The rise of computer-adaptive testing presents unique challenges for both teachers and learners, including the uncertainty of the number, sequence, and weighting of questions in the exam. In this webinar, I will share my experience in helping students navigate the technological and emotional demands of computer-adaptive testing, as well as how I integrate artificial intelligence tools into exam preparation classes. I will place particular emphasis on the differences between preparing students for fixed-form exams and computer-adaptive tests. Finally, attendees will have the opportunity to reflect on how these strategies can be adapted to their own teaching contexts.


TITLE: Eaquals Annual International Conference

PRESENTERS: Various – see programme

DATES & TIMES: Thursday 27th - Saturday 29th, March 2025 (GMT)



TYPE OF EVENT: F2F conference in Malta


The Eaquals Annual International conference is open to all, both members and non-members, and provides a rich programme of professional development for centre owners, directors, academic managers, teacher trainers as well as researchers and teachers alike.

This year’s event will feature engaging sessions across five key strands:

-          - Best Practice in Language Teaching and Learning

-          - Course Design, CEFR & Assessment

-          - Leadership & Management

-          - Continuous Professional Development (CPD)

-          - Developments in Language Education.

The 2025 conference will take place in Malta and we are looking forward to welcoming you all there. Please check back regularly for updates on the conference and follow our hashtag #Eaquals2025Malta.


TITLE: The floor is yours!

PRESENTERS: Manuela Kelly Calzini & Leandro Paladino

DATES & TIMES: Saturday, 29th March, 2025 – 14:00 (UK time)



TYPE OF EVENT: Free Webinar


'Evidence-based lesson planning with AI tools: a practical workshop using NoteLab' and Digital Citizenship: Perspectives for ELT This interactive session introduces NoteLab, Trinity College London's lesson planning tool, through a practice-focused lens. Participants will engage directly with the platform while exploring research-based approaches for designing targeted and effective lesson plans.

The session combines live demonstrations with hands-on focusing on the practical skills needed to craft well-structured prompts and maximize NoteLab’s unique features. Through guided tasks, participants will develop concrete strategies for creating lesson plans that address diverse learning needs and align with specific pedagogical objectives.

Key components include:

-          A focused demonstration of NoteLab’s core features and their practical application in daily lesson planning.

-          Interactive tasks to develop and refine prompt-writing skills.

-          Strategies for integrating NoteLab into existing workflows to create measurable learning outcomes.

This workshop emphasises active participation and practical skill development, ensuring participants leave with immediately applicable tools and strategies for their teaching practice.

Digital Citizenship: Perspectives for ELT In this presentation Leandro will share characteristics of a digital citizenship curriculum and suggest ways to link it to ELT practices. The talk will aim to demonstrate that rather than think of a separate space in our lesson planning to explore digital citizenship, teachers can (should!) embed their regular language classes (e.g. on grammar) with key digital objectives - killing two aims with the same task, as it were. Come along on Saturday 29th March at 2 pm UK time to take away a renewed understanding of how to exploit our language classrooms to help students of various levels and ages navigate the digital world around them.


TITLE: 11th International Conference on Task-Based Language Teaching

PRESENTERS: See programme

DATES & TIMES: Weds. 2nd – Fri. 4th April, 2025


ORGANISED BY: University of Groningen, The Netherlands

TYPE OF EVENT: In-person conference, see website for cost of attendance


Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT) is an educational framework for the theory and practice of teaching second or foreign languages. Based on empirical research, TBLT adopts meaning-based, communicative tasks as the central unit for defining language learning needs, determining curriculum goals, designing activity in the (language) classroom, and assessing language competencies. The biannual conference on TBLT will be held in Groningen (the 3rd happiest city in Europe!), 2 to 4 April 2025.

Technology mediated language learning has always received attention by task-based researchers and practitioners. In recent years, this has taken flight with many different avenues within technology-based TBLT that are researched and practiced. At the TBLT 2025 conference we hope to attract the newest advancements in research and best practices that fall within the broad sense of computer-assisted language learning and pedagogies based on TBLT.


TITLE: BBELT 2025: Shaping Brighter Futures through ELT


DATES & TIMES: Friday 4th and Saturday 5th April 2025.



TYPE OF EVENT: Free Online Conference


BBELT 2025 is a free online regional conference that will offer teachers the opportunity to work with colleagues from around the world, learn about professional practices, and discover professional development opportunities to enhance their profession. It aims to support teachers in equipping young people with the skills needed to live and work in today's global society, helping to shape a brighter future.

What will BBELT 2025 involve?

During a 2-day programme, participants will be able to choose from 6 plenary sessions, evening events, network activities, and over 70 academic presentations, forums, talks, and workshops designed to introduce the latest trends and ideas in English Language Teaching (ELT). All this, alongside a virtual exhibition of the best ELT material available involving exhibitors from the UK and the Americas.  


TITLE: IATEFL 58th IATEFL Annual International Conference, Edinburgh 2025

PRESENTERS: See programme

DATES & TIMES: Tuesday, 8th  April to Friday, 11th April, 2025



TYPE OF EVENT: In-person conference – see website for prices


Join us for the 2025 IATEFL International Conference and Exhibition in the beautiful capital city of Scotland, Edinburgh.

The conference will be held from Tuesday 8 April to Friday 11 April 2025, with Pre-Conference Events being held on Monday 7 April at the Edinburgh International Conference Centre.

The IATEFL Conference is a 4 day celebration of the English language teaching profession with over 500 academic sessions, an exhibition of all that's new in the world of English language teaching, and a busy social programme of fun evening events and opportunities to network and be part of the global community of ELT professionals. The academic programme includes headline plenaries, presentations, workshops, panel discussions, lightening talks and poster presentations.


TITLE: Understanding your learners – webinars

PRESENTERS: Sirin Soyoz and Melissa Thomson; André Hedlund; Georgia Papamichaelidou

DATES & TIMES: Friday, 11th April 2025 – 12:00 – 15:30 (UK time)


ORGANISED BY: British Council

TYPE OF EVENT: Free Webinars


In April–June 2025, TeachingEnglish is focusing on the theme of Understanding your learners.    

In the first webinar of this series, two of our TeachingEnglish training courses tutors will explain exactly what understanding your learners involves and how it can help you plan and deliver more effective classes. In this event you will also discover how people learn best, exploring the science and psychology behind effective teaching and learning. Learn evidence-informed strategies and gain practical insights to create a more understanding, supportive and effective classroom for your learners! 

About the sessions

Session 1: Understanding your learners: A practical introduction - Sirin Soyoz and Melissa Thomson


Time and date: 12.00–13.00 (UK time) Friday 11 April 2025

In this webinar our two current TeachingEnglish training courses tutors will give an interactive and practical introduction to our theme for April, May and June: Understanding your learners. With them you will learn how to develop your awareness of the diversity of your learners, how the learning environment and group dynamics can affect individuals, and more. Join the session to reflect on your own teaching practices and find out what professional development opportunities can help you grow in this area.

Session 2: Evidence-informed techniques for better learning - André Hedlund

Time and date: 13.15–14.15 (UK time) Friday 11 April 2025

Let's look into the how and why of learning so that we can help our learners do their best. This session attempts to bridge the gap between the classroom and what psychologists and cognitive linguists now know about the science of learning. What does their research say about what happens in the brain when we learn effectively? How can these insights impact the English classroom? This talk will show you four evidence-informed strategies you can incorporate into your English language lessons for better learning.

Session 3: Emotional safety and learning - Georgia Papamichaelidou

Time and date: 14.30–15.30 (UK time) Friday 11 April 2025

We often hear our learners ask us difficult questions like 'What if I fail?' or 'Are you proud of me?' These questions often mask deeper emotions of self-doubt, anxiety or a need for validation. Understanding that students of all ages learn best when they feel safe, supported and valued is the starting point for answering these complex questions. In this session, we will look at the impact and importance of emotional safety in learning. We will also see practical strategies that help learners feel supported and teachers be ready to answer those questions. 


TITLE: The Inseparability of Reading and Pronunciation


DATES & TIMES: Wednesday, 16th April, 2025, 16:00 (UK time)


ORGANISED BY: Trinity College London

TYPE OF EVENT: Free Webinar


Reading and speaking are viewed by many as separate skills; however, this contradicts researchers' and neurological findings that the two directly linked—effective reading depends on having a reliable phonological repertoire. (Dehaene, 2009., Walter, 2008)

The perceived detachment of pronunciation from reading means that students’ phonological awareness is not fostered alongside their reading skills. When students encounter new words, they are forced to either guess the pronunciation and/or draw upon their L1 as a guide. With each repeat encounter, their pronunciation is reinforced, perhaps with L1 influence.

In this talk, we will explore these links and consider how we can better support our students to develop greater pronunciation awareness.


TITLE: Incontro Pratico Barcellona

PRESENTERS: Various – see programme

DATES & TIMES: Saturday, 26th April, 2025


ORGANISED BY: Casa delle Lingue

TYPE OF EVENT: F2F Conference


L’Incontro Pratico di Casa delle Lingue torna a Barcellona!

Partecipa alla nostra giornata di formazione, un’occasione unica per aggiornarti sulle ultime tendenze didattiche, scoprire nuove attività da portare in classe e creare connessioni con colleghe e colleghi provenienti da tutta Europa.

Programma della formazione

26 aprile

10.15 – 10.30 Accoglienza

10.30 – 12.00 Conferenza plenaria - Davide Schenetti

La forza dell’empat-IA: un feedback col Bot!

12.00 – 12.15 Pausa caffè

12.15 – 13.15 Tavola rotonda. Da prof a prof

13.15 – 14.30 Pranzo

14.30 – 15.00 Dietro le quinte di Dai!: intervista con l’autrice Marilisa Birello

15.00 – 16.15 Workshop paralleli

Workshop 1 - Daniele Donati: Dentro e fuori: didattizzare il luogo

Workshop 2 - Felipe Quintero-Tedesco: Le affinità elettive

Workshop 3 - Nuria Salido: Percorsi didattici con Dai 2!

16.15 -17.00 Attività conclusiva e saluto musicale

17.00 – 17.30 Aperitivo e consegna degli attestati di partecipazione

Attività complementari

venerdì 25 aprile

17.00 Visita al Recinto Modernista del Hospital de Sant Pau

20.00 Cena sociale

Al momento dell’iscrizione, seleziona il workshop a cui desideri partecipare e conferma la tua partecipazione alle attività complementari.


TITLE: Tangible takeaways every lesson: validating 1:1 classes

PRESENTER: Rachel Appleby

DATES & TIMES: Sunday, 27th April, 2025 – 15:00 (UK time)



TYPE OF EVENT: Free Webinar


We often invest hours into planning; how exactly do our students benefit? Do we know? Do they?

Effective ‘planning’ in 1:1 is about preparation, flexibility and respectfulness. While classes can seem relaxed and content often unpredictable, it’s still crucial to determine valid takeaways and strategies for defining them.

This workshop looks at what 1:1 students often expect, with a little background theory to support planning vs. preparation. While we cannot not plan, we do need to employ flexible strategies, so that we can respond to student needs on the day.

So we’ll be looking at ways to tackle ‘the unexpected’, and I’ll be demonstrating a selection of tried and tested activities which respond to what our student might require there and then. Finally, I’ll focus on how we can define, with the student, specific, tangible and positive benefits.


TITLE: Promoting deep and actionable teacher learning in the age of cognitive overload

PRESENTERS: Silvana Richardson

DATES & TIMES: Tuesday 29th April 2025 - 10:00 (GMT+1) & Thursday 01st May 2025 - 16:00 (GMT+1)


ORGANISED BY: Cambridge University Press and Assessment

TYPE OF EVENT: Free Webinar


Webinars, podcasts, and articles often suggest new and exciting teaching ideas and resources. However, you might not always adopt these ideas if you lack support in the process of putting them into practice. This webinar will focus on how to help teachers effectively implement new strategies. It will introduce the updated INSPIRE model, which guides teachers from learning about new methods to successfully using them in their classrooms to improve student learning.


Image copyright Noory Taha

TITLE: Promoting intentional dialogue in the classroom: teachers talking less and listening more

PRESENTERS: Dr Naomi Flynn

DATES & TIMES: Tuesday 29th April 2025, 12:00 – 13:15 (UK time).


ORGANISED BY: British Council

TYPE OF EVENT: Free Webinar


Join us on Tuesday 29 April 2025 for a webinar facilitated by Naomi Flynn on why and how teacher educators should work with teachers to develop learners' oracy skills.

Who is this webinar for?

Please note that the content of this webinar is tailored for teacher educators and teachers who are engaged in facilitating the professional development of others.

What is this webinar about?

Naomi Flynn, Professor of Multilingual Education at the Institute of Education, University of Reading, discusses arguments for positioning oracy (the ability to articulate ideas, develop understanding and engage with others through spoken language) more centrally in the curriculum. Through insight and practical examples from her research Dr Flynn suggests ways in which teacher educators can guide teachers in promoting intentional dialogue in the classroom and helping their learners develop this fundamental skill for learning and life.


TITLE: TEASIG: How does assessment shape student identities?

PRESENTERS: Dr Juuso Nieminen

DATES & TIMES: Wednesday, 30th April, 2025 – 09:00 (UK time)


ORGANISED BY: IATEFL Testing, Evaluation & Assessment SIG (TEASIG)

TYPE OF EVENT: Webinar – Free for IATEFL members


When students enter education, they do not simply start ‘learning’ and ‘studying’ but begin a journey of becoming someone new in relation to themselves and to society. One of the key purposes of education is to shape students as certain kinds of learners, people and citizens. However, the role of assessment in forming student identities has received less attention in research and practice.

This presentation thus discusses the importance of understanding assessment from the viewpoint of student identities. The presentation revisits the traditional ideal of ‘fair and objective assessment’ that should be standardised for all students, regardless of their identities.

At the same time, it discusses how assessment shapes students’ identities, and what the consequences of these social mechanisms are. It is argued that assessment is one of the most powerful tools through which educational institutions shape students.


TITLE: Effective lesson planning for emergent language

PRESENTERS: Cecilia Nobre

DATES & TIMES: Saturday, 3rd May, 2025 - 15:00 (UK time)



TYPE OF EVENT: Free Webinar


This webinar is designed for teachers seeking to enhance their planning skills and better manage emergent language in the classroom.

Many initial qualification courses don't adequately address how to handle emergent language and unexpected learning moments, leaving teachers feeling unprepared and hesitant to address spontaneous teachable moments during lessons. Hence, this session will explore how to balance a "semi-structured" planning with the flexibility required to address these spontaneous learning opportunities.

Participants will learn about planning strategies that provide positive and meaningful teachable opportunities. The session will discuss the tension between structure and freedom in ELT, highlighting strategies for both novice and experienced teachers. Whether they prefer using coursebooks or planning from scratch with authentic materials, practical examples will illustrate how to plan for and respond to emergent language, ensuring lessons are dynamic and responsive to students' needs. Attendees will gain insights into planning practices that encourage both predictability and adaptability, ultimately enhancing their students' learning experience. Participants will see examples and try out a teaching scenario, leaving with practical strategies they can immediately apply in their teaching practice.


TITLE: Integrating sustainability in the EFL classroom: practical approaches for a greener future

PRESENTERS: Cecilia Lemos Harmer & Jade Blue

DATES & TIMES: Tuesday, 13th May 2025 -10:00 (GMT+1) & Thursday, 15th May 2025 - 16:00 (GMT+1)


ORGANISED BY: Cambridge University Press and Assessment

TYPE OF EVENT: Free Webinar


Discover how to seamlessly incorporate the three dimensions of sustainability—environmental, social, and economic—into your English language teaching. This session will explore the importance of sustainability in education and provide practical strategies and resources to engage learners of all ages. Join us to learn how to inspire your students to become engaged global citizens while developing vital life skills.



TITLE: Voices in Harmony: Pronunciation pedagogy for the 21st century

PRESENTERS: Tracey Derwing, John M. Levis & Sinem Sonsaat-Hegelheimer

DATES & TIMES: Friday, 16th May – 09:00 to Saturday, 17th May – 13:00, 2025 (UK times)



TYPE OF EVENT: In-person conference: £12 for IATEFL members; £14 if you are not an IATEFL member


We are delighted to invite researchers and practitioners to participate in this international conference, dedicated to pronunciation research and pedagogy.

The face to face event is being co-organised by IATEFL Pronunciation Special Interest Group and Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University School of Foreign Languages, and will feature prominent plenary speakers; John M. Levis, Tracey Derwing and Sinem Sonsaat-Hegelheimer.

Join us in Ankara this May to explore innovative approaches and share insights in the field of pronunciation teaching and research.

Please note that the event will take place across two days, starting at 09:00 on the 16 May 2025 and finishing at 13:00 on the 17 May 2025. All times are local Türkiye time.


Image copyright: Getty images

TITLE: Empowering teacher educators to introduce art-based translanguaging practices

PRESENTERS: Lavinia Hirsu and Dobrochna Futro

DATES & TIMES: Tuesday, 20th  May, 2025 – 12:00 – 13:15 (UK time)


ORGANISED BY: British Council

TYPE OF EVENT: Free Webinar


Who is this webinar for?

Please note that the content of this webinar is tailored for teacher educators and teachers who are engaged in facilitating the professional development of others.

What is this webinar about?

To navigate a multilingual world, learners need to be able to recognise their own resources, to put them into practice and to develop innovative ways to continue to grow in their learning. But how can teachers and teacher educators engage in this learning process when they themselves are often guided and constrained by their own current educational circumstances? Join us to learn about the TEMA project (Teaching English Multilingually through Art) where we are working with teacher-educators in Vietnam to tackle the complex issues of innovation and creativity in language learning through a multilingual framework.


TITLE: TEASIG - Teachers' Language Assessment Literacy (LAL): Research and Pedagogy

PRESENTER: Frank Giraldo

DATES & TIMES: Wednesday, 21st May – 17:00-19:00 (UK time)


ORGANISED BY: IATEFL Testing, Evaluation & Assessment SIG (TEASIG)

TYPE OF EVENT: Free Webinar


Given their continuous engagement in assessment, language teachers are key stakeholders informing language assessment literacy (LAL) research. In this webinar, the presenter will discuss current trends and challenges in studying teachers' LAL, signaling possible directions in future research. He will also problematize instructional approaches to foster these stakeholders' LAL. For these interrelated topics, the presenter will overview LAL studies and, most importantly, will provide pedagogical insights based on his research with Latin American teachers of English participating in language assessment courses.

This webinar might be useful for those interested in or tasked with the development of assessment courses for language teachers.


TITLE: AI for inclusion – webinars

PRESENTERS: Hamed Hashemian, Katherine Reilly,

DATES & TIMES: Friday, 23rd May 2025 – 12:00-15:30 (UK time)


ORGANISED BY: British Council

TYPE OF EVENT: Free Webinars


About this event

In these practical sessions, we focus on how AI tools can help you tailor your teaching to individual needs and create an equitable learning environment where all learners are valued and supported. You will discover how to use AI to personalise learning, provide individual feedback and create opportunities for all your learners to thrive.

About the sessions

Session 1: Transforming mixed-ability classes with AI tools - Hamed Hashemian

Time and date:12.00–13.00 (UK time) 23 May 2025

Join this webinar to get practical tips for maximising participation in your large, mixed-ability classrooms. We will discuss the challenges of teaching mixed-ability classes and see how AI can serve as an effective solution. You'll look at how AI tools can translate instructions into the learners' L1 to help all of them access all activities. We'll also look at tools to help teachers create tailored activities that cater to different proficiency levels. Suitable for teachers with little or no AI experience!

Session 2: Using AI to create opportunities for all students - Katherine Reilly

Time and date: 13.15–14.15 (UK time) 23 May 2025

Let's use AI to redefine how we approach inclusivity in the English language classroom! In this webinar we'll see examples of how you can use AI to personalise learning, to adapt assessments and to provide individual feedback. You'll also learn how to design learning environments that celebrate differences in race, gender, sexual orientation, disability and special educational needs, while creating equitable opportunities for all students.

Session 3: Teachers share: How do we use AI to meet all learners' needs? - Speakers: TBC

Time and date: 14.30–15.30 (UK time) 23 May 2025

Three teachers from around the world discuss how they are using AI tools in their classrooms to make sure all learners have the chance to succeed.


TITLE: BESIG - Building the IMAGE: Navigating Negative Feedback with Cultural Awareness

PRESENTER: Alexandra Covell

DATES & TIMES: Saturday, 24th May, 2025 - 15:00 (UK time)



TYPE OF EVENT: Webinar: £15; Free for IATEFL members


Giving negative feedback in a global business setting can be challenging, especially when cultural differences shape how the feedback is perceived. The IMAGE approach offers a practical framework for delivering feedback that is clear, constructive, and culturally sensitive. Through this interactive workshop, attendees will explore how to identify key issues, navigate cultural nuances, and create a two-way dialogue that fosters collaboration. The session will focus on:

● Providing attendees with strategies for offering solution-focused feedback with empathy and support.

● Equipping attendees with practical tips for guiding learners in handling feedback conversations confidently, improving communication, strengthening relationships, and enhancing team dynamics in diverse professional environments.







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